I have made a simple and beautiful Stenciled Bookmark. The stenciled out shape is not any design its just letters. I used these letters “B”, “O”, “O”, “K”Bookmark

Supplies Required :

  • Cardstock – white and red colour
  • Craft knife
  • Craft glue

My Method :

  1. Cut out two card stock of size 10cm x 2cm in white and red colourBookmark
  2. The white one goes on top while the red is on bottom
  3. Mark the 4 letters in block in the middle of the white cardstock
  4. Cut out the letters
  5. Now stick the two cards one on top of the other
  6. The red one on the bottom
  7. Stencil out white card on top
  8. Now punch a hole on the top 
  9. An optional Satin ribbon can be added to the punched hole.
  10. Thats it Bookmark ready 🙂Bookmark - stenciled

Happy Crafting
